I have created this website from scratch, without using website builders or Wordpress.
It is built solely using genuine lines of code in HTML and CSS.
However, I have also benefited from assistance from various sources:
- a) The book Responsive Web Design by Christoph Zillgens
- b) The standard font used is Recursive, which is licensed under The Open Font License maintained by SIL International.
- c) This font is UnifrakturCook: UnifrakturCook has been created by j. 'mach' wust and jordigbras. This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
- d) For the Russian language version, the Slavjanic font in version 3.1 by the manufacturer Slavjanic is used. It can be obtained for free from AllFont.net.
- e) The parallax effect on the landing page is based on the Pure CSS parallax scroll demo by Keith Clark
- f) The file upload form was kindly created by goinnovative
- g) All graphics on the website are either my own photographs or created using Dall-e2
- h) the slide shows are a project by Coding with Nick
- i) Flag graphics are from www.nationalflaggen.de
- i) The comment function is based on the "Comment box" script from https://werner-zenk.de. The installation would not have been possible for me due to a technical complication without the nice customer support from Alfahosting
- j) The h1 ans h2 areas in the latin version use the font Elizabeth and have a 1001Fonts Free For Commercial Use License (FFC)